Week 52- August 23, 2021

week 52 Inbox McClain Mission Notes McClain Easton Mon, Aug 23, 2021, 12:33 PM to me Rookie year baby. I was thinking today. Very few players have gone straight from highschool to the league. Most go to college first. I stand with the elite company of Kobe and LeBron right now. Even Michael Jordan went to college first. So I don't want to get ahead of myself, but... Well I guess it's not the same haha. I was set apart as a full time missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints a year ago today! A lot of crazy things have happened since then. I have spent 1 month in the home MTC, 6 Months in Santa Clarita, and 5 in Delano. When I opened my call last May, I never would have imagined myself here. And I can honestly say, I would not trade this experience for the world. It may not be the beaches of Costa Rica, and honestly Bakersfield might fall pretty low on a list of destinations in the US, but it has a piece of my heart. This week was definitely interesting for me. My companion broke both his arms last week at our P Day activity, and was double casted. We packed all his stuff and drove down to the mission office to send him home on a medical leave, and stopped by the doctor for one last checkup on the way. We had a miracle, his right arm, though slightly fractured, didn't need a cast and so he got to stay. So we drove everything back home! However, with his other arm still casted, and his right arm mostly out of commission, this week I was a parent, a nurse, a maid, a companion, a friend, and a missionary. Needless to say I'm pretty worn out. On top of that, we pushed and were able to teach the most nonmember lessons I have taught in a week on my mission! The work continues to be remarkable as we put in our effort. I have learned the harder I work, the more I leave on the table, the more I learn to love my Savior Jesus Christ, the people here in Delano, and this mission. This week I loved this scripture... 3 Nefi: 48 Therefore I would that ye should be aperfect even as I, or your Father who is in heaven is perfect. Our Savior Jesus Christ asks us to work to become more like him, and our heavenly father, to become perfect. It seems like an incredible challenge, but he has given us a way. The atonement of Jesus Christ, mixed with an impetus to grow, is the path back to our heavenly father. All we are left to do is decide, to respond to a trial by turning to the Savior, or to shy away. That is a lesson I have learned over and over again on my mission. From the dark days of apartment calling all day, to the doors knocked, to taking care of my companion, to baptisms, and everything in between, everything has pointed to growth through the Savior Jesus Christ. And everyone can grow through his atoning power! Thanks so much for all of your support this last year! Elder Easton
