Week 26- April 12, 2021
Hey everybody!
This week we had a blast! We were super blessed to find 3 new friends to start teaching and working with! One of them, named Daniel, was a man we met on the side of the road, and then we were able share a short message and made plans to come back again this week. That was a little miracle for us this week.
This week I was studying on what it means to be charitable, and one of the aspects of charity is "suffereth long." Something I read that stood out the most is that suffering long means to endure well long trials, but more than anything to have patience with the everyday trials and challenges. And Jesus Christ is our perfect example of this!
"9 And the world, because of their iniquity, shall judge him to be a thing of naught; wherefore they scourge him, and he suffereth it; and they smite him, and he suffereth it. Yea, they spit upon him, and he suffereth it, because of his loving kindness and his long-suffering towards the children of men."
This week I also had some VISA adventures! We had to drive to another zone to get my fingerprints, then they called back and said we would need to come back because they thought my last name was McClain. Not the first time somebody has made that mistake!
Before I was a missionary I always wondered what I would listen to in the car, while working out, and just normal music listening times, so if you are wondering that too, you'll probably find this answer pretty funny. I switch off between two BYU Devos by Jeffrey R Holland, Cast not away therefore your confidences and Remember Lots wife. Pump up music? BYU Devo. Relaxing drive? BYU Devo. Background music? BYU devo baby. If I'm looking for a really good time, 2018 youth album on Gospel Library...
I also realized this week I really look like an FBI agent, I'll attach the evidence below...
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