Letter From Dad-february 15, 2021
So great to talk to you this afternoon and to read your email. You are having some special experiences but I know from your talking with mom you are also having some challenges. Don’t let the lows detract you from what you have been called to do.
A few thoughts for you as you start this week.
1 - re read your mission call. You were called by a prophet of God to be a representative of our Savior. I know Pres Nelson is our prophet today.
2 - re read your patriarchal blessing. Remember those feelings you had at that time. That was the Spirit letting you know if it’s truth. There are great blessings in store for you.
3 - our Heavenly Father and Jesus know how strong you are and much you can endure.
This time in your life will prepare you for even greater blessings and challenges in your life.
Know how much I love you and how proud I am of you.
Let me know how I can help but know also that your Heavenly Father is watching over you and just waiting for you to reach out.
Love Dad.
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