Happy 19th Birthday McClain- December 19, 2020

Hey dad. Thanks for reaching out on my Birthday. I always appreciate seeing emails from you especially because I feel like you are one of the few people out there that understand me and how difficult it can be to be a missionary. I am really missing you all a lot right now. Sometimes I have a hard time seeing the blessings as well, so every morning I write down three things I am grateful for, and that has helped. I have been doing that for a while now, and it has made things better since I first came out into the field, but it can still be really tough for me at times. What were some of the things you did, or think I could do to help me focus on my blessings and be happier in the mission field. I really pray to feel like I am loved, and to help spread the love of the gospel to others that we are teaching. I am trying to focus on my purpose, to help others, and when I focus the most, I feel the best, it is just really difficult a lot of the time because we are in the apartment making calls to answering machines, and that doesn't feel like inviting others to come unto Christ. But it is what we have been asked to do, at least for now, so I am working my hardest at that. I have also become a positive voice within the companionship, and sometimes I even have to fake my optimism, but complaining only makes it harder. On my birthday we had the chance to teach the Aranda family. He used to be the bishop, and his wife was the relief society president, so they are one of few nuclear families that are active within our branch. They also have a house, so that was among a handful of lessons we were able to teach in person this week. On a side note, they had the same couch as we have in the backyard, so we sat next to their pool and shared a message about the coming of Christ, and how he brings us light, as taught by Samuel the Lamanite in Helaman 14. We had the idea this week to share the story of Christmas from the Book of Mormon, and have been doing that a lot since. Brother Aranda commented that the light of Christ can often be manifest within our own lives through the loving relationships we have with those closest to us, and that by focussing on the joy those have brought us, our gratitude will allow the Savior's love to work more fully within us. I was really moved by this thought, and it made me so grateful for our family. I had been praying all week for a way to see that God truly does love me, and this comment was an answer to my prayers. On Friday the Zone Leaders came over to our apartment for a companionship study, and something I hadn't mentioned to the family, but President Sandberg had actually assigned them to come over. Elder Ostler and I were having a tough time, and had talked to President about it a little bit, so he asked the ZL's to come over. We had our study together, and then they gave us some great advice about how we could be better missionaries, and then transitioned into coaching us through the mission. They are both very wise, and super loving, and becoming some of my best friends. At the end, they offered us each a priesthood blessing, and I hadn't realized how much I needed it. Elder Clark said some of the exact things I needed to hear, and I thanked him with tears in my eyes, for the small glimmer of hope he added to my life. Everyday I wake up and wonder if I can do this for two years, and when I go to sleep at night I am grateful to have survived yet another day. The zone leaders told us Jesus Christ doesn't care about your comfort, he cares about your growth. I guess this means the Savior must really care about me, because I could really go for some comfort right now. But as you and mom like to remind me, it might just all be worth it. I look forward to the day when I can look back and say with gratitude how blessed I was to have gone through this time in my life, but until then, I am dedicating myself the Savior and relying on his support to serve, to be a missionary, and to do something I am beyond certain I could not do without him. I'm not the same young man that lead the Priest's quorum, or that Drew's friends all thought they should be. I am far more than that now because it is no longer me, it is me and Christ. I have come to know my Savior in a way I did not realize to be possible, and have transformed myself in the process. It hasn't been easy, and hasn't been all the enjoyable, but it will be worth it. I'd love to hear any advice you have, or some loving encouragement. Or maybe even to hear that somebody is proud of me, because I really hope you and mom are, and it means the world to hear that. Love you dad, McClain On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 4:50 PM Michael Easton wrote: Hi McClain Hope you have had a great week and a great birthday today. Besides being your golden birthday this one today is obviously different as it’s your first birthday away from us. We are missing you and assume you may be missing us a little bit to but I know God blesses you as missionary and I know he is watching over you. I remember my first birthday in Brasil. I had said goodbye to my best friend from the MTC 2 days before my birthday as he was transferred out of our zone - this was Gonsalves. Fortunately I had a few busy days teaching and then a member had my companion and I and a few members over for cake. I know the circumstances are different now for you and I can’t wait for some more normal times to come to you as a missionary- however I do know there are members and investigators who only you and your companion will be able to reach and it’s up to the two of you to figure out how where and when to find them and bring them to Christ. I’m so proud of you and all the work you are doing. I can’t imagine how different your experience may be from mine in some respects right now but I do know that the warmth and strength you will feel from the Spirit is the same feeling I had as a missionary and one that can lift and sustain you. I pray that you will continue to build your testimony and recognize the hand of the Lord in all that you do. I love you so very much and am grateful for your example to me and to be able to call you son. Have a great rest of your birthday today and we can’t wait to talk to you tonight. Love Dad. Michael Easton Dec 22, 2020, 9:42 PM to me Hey Bud What an amazing letter. It is so real and personal and inspirational. I really am so proud of you and that you have dedicated yourself for two years to be a representative of our Savior. I tell everyone at work about what you are doing. My tennis friends Thomas and Chris even ask about how you are doing. They know how proud I am of you. I will think through and send a longer email in a few days. Thanks for sharing this with me and expressing how you are doing. The Lord knows how you are doing and will bless you with comfort and strength but it may still feel difficult. I love what you said about Gratitude. It is the same message as Pres Nelson to all of us. I love you and am prouder of you now more that ever. Love dad. hi McClain - Merry Christmas and Christmas Eve! I can't wait to be able to talk with you tomorrow, and to hear the lesson that you have to share. I have been thinking about you even more these past few days, and re-read your letter just now. I have also been doing some reading in my missionary journal about my first few months in Brasil and my first few companions. There really are so many changes as a new missionary that it can be overwhelming at times to take it all in - however, i really like what you are doing and learning to rely more fully on the Lord. He is the key to our joy and happiness in life! I also like what you are doing to be grateful for the small blessings in your life and to be optimistic. Those were keys that worked for me. As i have been re-reading my journal, I have had 2 impressions come to me about finding joy in my missionary service - following the mission rules and going to work. I know mission rules are different in each mission, but I remember just making a commitment to follow them and to do it with a good attitude. Sounds like you are doing the same thing and as you continue to do that, I know you will be blessed. Secondly, as a missionary, working hard is one way to show our dedication to our Savior. I can't even imagine how difficult that may be right now with the different restrictions that are in place. However, the Lord will recognize your efforts and knows the external constraints placed upon you. Just keep following what the Mission President and the mission leaders are saying about how the work can progress, and I know that it will. My 2nd companion in Brasil was completely different from my first companion. My first comp, Elder Tingey, was from Oregon, about 6-2 and loved basketball. He was a great trainor, we worked hard, and we hit if off instantly. My 2nd companion was Brasilian, probably about 5-5 and a 100 lbs, near 26 or 27, and was sick much of the time. I used to let it frustrate me and then I realized how much he was sacrificing to be serving a mission. Each missionary currently serving is sacrificing much to be a missionary right now, and it could be different for you or anyone else. As you learn to love your companion, i know that your interactions and your effectiveness as a companionship will grow. I also know how hard it can be to love a companion that you may have never met before; however, i know that by turning to the Lord for help, that he will bless you. I love you and am so proud of you. I can't wait to talk to you on Christmas Day! On Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 2:14 PM McClain Easton wrote: Hey dad. Thanks for reaching out on my Birthday. I always appreciate seeing emails from you especially because I feel like you are one of the few people out there that understand me and how difficult it can be to be a missionary. I am really missing you all a lot right now. Sometimes I have a hard time seeing the blessings as well, so every morning I write down three things I am grateful for, and that has helped. I have been doing that for a while now, and it has made things better since I first came out into the field, but it can still be really tough for me at times. What were some of the things you did, or think I could do to help me focus on my blessings and be happier in the mission field. I really pray to feel like I am loved, and to help spread the love of the gospel to others that we are teaching. I am trying to focus on my purpose, to help others, and when I focus the most, I feel the best, it is just really difficult a lot of the time because we are in the apartment making calls to answering machines, and that doesn't feel like inviting others to come unto Christ. But it is what we have been asked to do, at least for now, so I am working my hardest at that. I have also become a positive voice within the companionship, and sometimes I even have to fake my optimism, but complaining only makes it harder. On my birthday we had the chance to teach the Aranda family. He used to be the bishop, and his wife was the relief society president, so they are one of few nuclear families that are active within our branch. They also have a house, so that was among a handful of lessons we were able to teach in person this week. On a side note, they had the same couch as we have in the backyard, so we sat next to their pool and shared a message about the coming of Christ, and how he brings us light, as taught by Samuel the Lamanite in Helaman 14. We had the idea this week to share the story of Christmas from the Book of Mormon, and have been doing that a lot since. Brother Aranda commented that the light of Christ can often be manifest within our own lives through the loving relationships we have with those closest to us, and that by focussing on the joy those have brought us, our gratitude will allow the Savior's love to work more fully within us. I was really moved by this thought, and it made me so grateful for our family. I had been praying all week for a way to see that God truly does love me, and this comment was an answer to my prayers. On Friday the Zone Leaders came over to our apartment for a companionship study, and something I hadn't mentioned to the family, but President Sandberg had actually assigned them to come over. Elder Ostler and I were having a tough time, and had talked to President about it a little bit, so he asked the ZL's to come over. We had our study together, and then they gave us some great advice about how we could be better missionaries, and then transitioned into coaching us through the mission. They are both very wise, and super loving, and becoming some of my best friends. At the end, they offered us each a priesthood blessing, and I hadn't realized how much I needed it. Elder Clark said some of the exact things I needed to hear, and I thanked him with tears in my eyes, for the small glimmer of hope he added to my life. Everyday I wake up and wonder if I can do this for two years, and when I go to sleep at night I am grateful to have survived yet another day. The zone leaders told us Jesus Christ doesn't care about your comfort, he cares about your growth. I guess this means the Savior must really care about me, because I could really go for some comfort right now. But as you and mom like to remind me, it might just all be worth it. I look forward to the day when I can look back and say with gratitude how blessed I was to have gone through this time in my life, but until then, I am dedicating myself the Savior and relying on his support to serve, to be a missionary, and to do something I am beyond certain I could not do without him. I'm not the same young man that lead the Priest's quorum, or that Drew's friends all thought they should be. I am far more than that now because it is no longer me, it is me and Christ. I have come to know my Savior in a way I did not realize to be possible, and have transformed myself in the process. It hasn't been easy, and hasn't been all the enjoyable, but it will be worth it. I'd love to hear any advice you have, or some loving encouragement. Or maybe even to hear that somebody is proud of me, because I really hope you and mom are, and it means the world to hear that. Love you dad, McClain On Sat, Dec 19, 2020 at 4:50 PM Michael Easton wrote: Hi McClain Hope you have had a great week and a great birthday today. Besides being your golden birthday this one today is obviously different as it’s your first birthday away from us. We are missing you and assume you may be missing us a little bit to but I know God blesses you as missionary and I know he is watching over you. I remember my first birthday in Brasil. I had said goodbye to my best friend from the MTC 2 days before my birthday as he was transferred out of our zone - this was Gonsalves. Fortunately I had a few busy days teaching and then a member had my companion and I and a few members over for cake. I know the circumstances are different now for you and I can’t wait for some more normal times to come to you as a missionary- however I do know there are members and investigators who only you and your companion will be able to reach and it’s up to the two of you to figure out how where and when to find them and bring them to Christ. I’m so proud of you and all the work you are doing. I can’t imagine how different your experience may be from mine in some respects right now but I do know that the warmth and strength you will feel from the Spirit is the same feeling I had as a missionary and one that can lift and sustain you. I pray that you will continue to build your testimony and recognize the hand of the Lord in all that you do. I love you so very much and am grateful for your example to me and to be able to call you son. Have a great rest of your birthday today and we can’t wait to talk to you tonight. Love Dad.
