Week 56-September 20, 2021

Week 56 Mon, Sep 20, 2021, 3:01 PM Hope you all had an awesome week! Things were awesome here in Delano. On Wednesday I had an exchange with my good buddy elder Szmyanscki, and we got to stay here in Delano while elder Martinez headed down to McFarland. That was an awesome day. We had a lesson in the afternoon with a family we had taken food to in the past as a donation, and they weren't interested at all, but this time we went and things were different. We made it clear we aren't the church of Mormon, but the same church of Jesus Christ, and they loved our message so we started teaching them! Then after that, we hustled off to earlimart and had a lesson with our buddy angel. He is 17, and recently lost most of his hand in a firework accident, and is really a humble kid. We had a great lesson and invited him to be baptized on October 9th! Super excited for him. Then on Thursday, Elder Martinez and I were put back into a trio, and our new comp Elder Bishop is a beast. We ...