Week 38

Date: Mon, Jul 12, 2021 at 9:05 AM Subject: Week 38 This week was absolutely, indescribably incredible. On Monday night, I had a little talk with my companions about how we needed to be working harder. Being a missionary companionship is very much a team effort, so though I was doing what I could, we needed to step it up as a team to do more. At first, their reactions to me wanting to do more were pretty mixed, but eventually they settled in, and we got way more done this week than we have been doing before. This week we found 7 new people to teach! We got a call on Thursday at lunch from a former investigator who we had knocked about 5 times last transfer (about 2 months ago) asking us to come over and teach her and her boyfriend, and they want to progress to become baptized members of the church. Then yesterday at church, we had a handful of our friends there, and towards the end of the meeting someone walked in, and handed me a little pass along handout card. It had the ch...