
Hey everyone! Hopefullt nobody was scared away from reading this by my slightly unoriginal and certainly predictable title, however this week was one of the best. If you've read this far, you are in for a treat. This week began with exchanges with the ZLs, some of the missionary leaders, and it was a great experience. I learned a ton from Elder Clark, who had some profound insights that have really helped me so much. He encouraged me to just be patient, and to not become worried or anxious about taking a while to adjust. I think this is great life advice in general, we need to be patient! I need to learn this lesson more than anyone, but eventually we will see the Lord working in our life, just like we are promised in Mosiah 24:14-15. Then with Thanksgiving, we had a super fun day. We had a service project in the morning, however Elder Stastny and I got assigned to parking lot security to make sure nobody vandalized our cars, not the best job ever but we made it work. Then we ...