Week 2-Tacos October 26, 2020

Week 2: Tacos Mon, Oct 26, 2020, 5:56 PM to me Hey everyone! Don't have a ton to share about the second week in Santa Clarita, but we have decided to turn just about everything into a taco. We'll put our eggs, chicken, anything members give us, veggies, and everything in between onto Corn tortillas. It's some really good stuff. I would highly recommend expanding your definition of taco. This week we were able to teach a ton of lessons, some days we taught as many as 5! It has really been a blessing to see our members' work paying off, and I have felt truly lucky to have so many good opportunities to share the gospel. I have been missing home a lot this week adjusting to everything out here, but teaching always helps so much! This week we had the opportunity to invite a member to prepare to enter the temple, an experience that brought the spirit so strongly. The temple is such a sacred place, and brings so much spiritual power and strength. For those who don't kn...