End of MTC-September 30, 2020

Wed, Sep 30, 2020, 7:38 PM to me Hey all! This is my last week in the MTC (missionary training center) online! Classes finish on Friday, and then next Monday, the 12th, I will fly out to Bakersfield to begin my service. So I'll have about a week of time in between, most of which will likely be spent getting prepared to go, having final appointments and getting all the remaining items I need. Then it gets real! With the end of the MTC coming right up, I have a lot of mixed emotions right now. I am really excited to head into the field and get to work, however the last few weeks I have spent at home have made me realize how much I am truly going to miss my family. The easy part is almost over, and I know I'll have a great experience in the field but I'm also a little nervous for the big changes coming up. This week I have been doing a lot of reading about finding hope when heading into unknown challenges, and have found a lot about how important it is to have confidence...